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Displaying 21 - 30 of 146
# Year Title Document
21 Proposed South Coast Highway Improvement Project (Improvements at Mezgar Gardens, St. Thomas)
  1. EIS: SCHIP Alignment Change
  2. Public Presentation: EIS
22 Proposed Montego Bay Perimeter Road, Long Hill Bypass and West Green and Barnett Street Upgrade, St. James by the National Road Operating and Constructing Company
  1. Notice: Public Meeting
  2. Verbatim Minutes: Public Consultation
  3. EIA: Montego Bay Perimeter Road
23 Proposed Princess Hotels And Resorts Development, Cove, Hanover
  1. Notice: Public Meeting
  2. Valuation Assessment: Ecosystem Service and Natural Resource
  3. Verbatim Minutes: Public Consultation
  4. EIA: Proposed Princess Hotels and Resorts Development, Cove, Hanover
  5. Assessment Report: Coastal Design and Environmental Impact
  6. EIA-Addendum-Princess-Roadway-Survey-April2024.pdf
24 Proposed Quarrying and Mineral Processing at Rio Bueno Quarry, Dry Harbour Mountain, Discovery Bay, St. Ann
  1. Notice: Public Meeting
  2. Acceptance Letter
  3. Verbatim Minutes: Public Consultation
  4. EIA: Proposed Quarrying and Mineral Processing at Rio Bueno Quarry, Dry Harbour Mountain, Discovery Bay, St. Ann
25 Proposed Relocation of Hazardous Waste Incinerator to Ferry, St. Andrew (Non-EIA)
  1. ferry_proje.pdf
  2. notification_of_public_meeting.pdf
26 Proposed Runway Extension and Associated Works for the Sangster International Airport, Montego Bay, St. James (Non-EIA)
  1. project_document_sia_ru.pdf
  2. public_noti.pdf
27 Proposed Asphalt Plant, Alcar Construction And Haulage, 7 Miles Bull Bay St. Andrew (Non-EIA)
  1. aspahlt_plant_design_brief.pdf
28 Proposed Beach Nourishment and Installation of Six (6) Groynes at Sandals Negril, Norman Manley Boulevard, Hanover
  1. EIA_Public_Notice.pdf
  2. FINAL_EIA_Sandal.pdf
29 Proposed Cruise Pier Developmnent Project at Old Coal Wharf, Port Royal, Kingston
  1. eia-port_royal_cruise_pier_development_project.pdf
  2. notice.pdf
  3. verbatim_report_.pdf
30 Proposed Housing Development at The Whim Estate, Old Harbour, St. Catherine
  1. The_proposed_Whim_Estate_Stakeholder_Consultation.pdf
  2. Whim Estates Housing EIA (Draft Report) March 19 2019_F.pdf
  3. Whim_Notification_Final.pdf