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Displaying 51 - 60 of 144
# Year Sort ascending Title Document
51 Wind Farm, Great Valley, Manchester
  1. Great-Valley-Wind-Farm-Addendum-February-2013-final.pdf
  2. wind-farm.pdf
52 Proposed 360 MW Combined Cycle Plant, Old Harbour Bay, St. Catherine
  1. 360MW-Cycle-Plant.pdf
  2. SJPC-Verbatim-Min-nov142012.pdf
53 Proposed Rivva Riddim Ecotourism Park, White River Valley, St. Ann
  1. Addendum-to-Rivva-Riddim-EIA.pdf
  2. Assessment-White-River-Riva-Riddim.pdf
  3. environmental_impact_asses.pdf
  4. verbatim-notes-public-meeting.pdf
54 Coral Springs Residential Development, Trelawny
  1. coral_spring_eia_report_July24-final-version.pdf
  2. EIA-addendum.pdf
  3. public-presentation-and-verbatim-report.pdf
  4. Public-presentation-findings.pdf
55 Proposed Highway 2000 North South Link - Caymanas to Linstead
  1. 4H-NROCC-Attendance-Register.pdf
  2. 4H-NROCC-Verb-Minutes.pdf
  3. Angels-NROCC-Veb-min.pdf
  4. Angels-Primary-NROCC-Attendance-Register.pdf
  5. EIA_Highway2000_Caymanas_to_Linstead-FINAL.pdf
  6. EIA_Highway2000_FINAL_REPORT_Caymanas to Linstead reduced.pdf
  7. nrocc_archaeological_impact_assessment.pdf
  8. nrocc_response_to_comment_letter.pdf
  9. response_attachments.pdf
56 Proposed Subdivision of Land, Part of Mona and Papine Estate and Goldsmith Villa, St. Andrew
  1. haj_public_presentation250412.pdf
57 Grand Palladium Beach Development, Lucea
  1. benthic-survey-addendum-to-prelim-engineering-report.pdf
  2. grand-palladium-prelim-engeering-report.pdf
  3. overall-document-public-consulation.pdf
  4. response-to-comments.pdf
58 Proposed Highway 2000 North South Link - Moneague to Ocho Rios
  1. Court-battle-looms-over-Highway-2000-north.pdf
  2. EIA_Highway_2000_Moneague_to_OchoRios-FINAL.pdf
  3. final_report_eia_highway2000_moneague_to_ocho_ri.pdf
  4. press-release-north-south-highway-environmental-concerns.pdf
  5. Verbatim-minutes-of-the-Moneague-College.pdf
59 Jamalco Run Off Storage (Rows) 1-5
  1. public_meeting_1.pdf
  2. public_meeting_report.pdf
60 Proposed Landings of a Fibre Optic Cable, Golden Sands Beach Cottages, Ocho Rios, St. Ann
  1. EIS Report Final Version.pdf