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Displaying 11 - 20 of 149
# Year Title Document
11 EIA-Hotel Development Richmond Estates
  1. EIA-Hotel-Development-Richmond-Estates.pdf
12 Environmental Impact Assessment for Proposed Bamboo Market Pulp Mill in Friendship, Westmoreland
  1. Envirnmental-Impact-Assessment-for-Proposed-Bamboo-Market-Pulp-Mill-in-Friendship-Westmoreland.pdf
13 Noranda SML173 Permit
  1. Noranda-SML-173-Permit.pdf
  2. Noranda-SML-173-Permit-1.pdf
14 Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for Mining and Quarrying at the Outer Valley Section of SEPL 541 by JISCO Alpart
  1. EIA (Final Draft) for Mining and Quarrying at the Outer Valley Section of SEPL 541 by JISCO Alpart
  2. Notice of Public Meeting: EIA for Mining & Quarrying at the Outer Valley Section of SEPL 541 by JISCO Alpart
  3. Verbatim-minutes-public-meeting.pdf
15 Proposed development at Lot 3 Dairy, Discovery Bay, St. Ann
  1. Project-Brief.pdf
  2. Elevations-1.pdf
  3. Elevations-2.pdf
  4. Site-Plan.pdf
16 Environmental Impact Assessment for proposed MINING OPERATIONS in the SPECIAL MINING LEASE 173 (SML 173) AREA located in the Parishes of St. Ann and Trelawny, Jamaica by Noranda Jamaica Bauxite Partners II (NJBP II) VOLUME I FINAL
  1. Environmental Impact Assessment - Proposed Mining Operations in Special Mining Lease (SML 173) AREA (St. Ann, Trelawny) NORANDA
  2. Corrigenda-EIA-Report-SML-173-August-2021.pdf
  3. Responses-to-comments-received-from-the-Forestry-Department.pdf
  4. Responses-to-Comments-from-the-Public-on-the-EIA-for-SML-173_1.pdf
  5. Responses-to-additional-comments-received-from-the Public-CD&A- March.pdf
  6. Subsequent-2nd -Mandatory-Public-Meeting-Report.pdf
17 Environmental Impact Assessment for Proposed Bauxite Mining Operations in the Special Exclusive Prospecting License 524 (SEPL 524) Area
  1. Mandatory-Public-Meeting-Report-SEPL-524-CDA-July-8-2021.pdf
18 AERMOD Report SEPL 524 Mines May 2021
  1. AERMOD-Report-SEPL-524-Mines May 2021.pdf
19 Draft Final EIA Report - SEPL 524 - Windalco-CDA
  1. Draft Final-EIA Report-SEPL-524-Windalco-DA.pdf
20 Heritage Survey -SEPL 524
  1. Heritage-Survey-SEPL 524_0.pdf