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  • Natural Resources Conservation Authority (NRCA)

    The Natural Resources Conservation Authority (NRCA) is a statutory body established pursuant to Natural  Resources  Conservation Authority Act with primary responsibility for environmental management and conservation.

    Present Members

    The present members are:

    1. Mr Weldon Maddan  (Chairman)
    2. Mr Christopher Whyms-Stone (Deputy Chairman)
    3. Professor Mona Webber, CD
    4. Ms Ava Tomlin
    5. Mr Robert Taylor
    6. Dr Chrissan Simpson-Harley
    7. Dr Ava Maxam
    8. Dr Phillip Waite
    9. Mr Peter Knight, CD, JP, CEO and Government Town Planner, NEPA

    Functions of the NRCA

    Per section 4 (1) of the NRCA Act, the functions of the Authority are:

    (a) to take such steps as are necessary for the effective management of the physical environment of Jamaica so as to ensure the conservation, protection and proper use of its natural resources;

    (b) to promote public awareness of the ecological systems of Jamaica and their importance to the social and economic life of the Island;

    (c) to manage such national parks, marine parks, protected areas and public recreational facilities as may be prescribed;

    (d) to advise the Minister on matters of general policy relating to the management, development, conservation and care of the environment; and

    (e) to perform such other functions pertaining to the natural resources of Jamaica as may be assigned to it by the Minister or by or under this Act or any other enactment.
