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Name Breach Decision
R v Andrew Taylor

Breach of Wildlife Protection Act s. 4 (1) (e) and 4(2) found in a Game Sanctuary in possession of animals or birds

[St. Catherine Parish Court]

Fined $50,000 or thirty (30) days imprisonment at hard labour and fined $60,000 or thirty (30) days imprisonment at hard labour

R v He Peng Feng

Breaches of Order 3 of the Natural Resources Conservation Authority (Plastic Packaging Materials Prohibition) Order, 2018 in that the various entities were found with single use plastic bags over the allotted size and also with juice boxes with single use plastic straws made up of wholly or in part of polyethylene or polypropylene in commercial quantities.

[Manchester Parish Court]

Fined $8,000 or ten (10) days in prison at hard labour.

“Trelawny Plastic Ban Matters” nine (9)

Breaches of Order 3 of the Natural Resources Conservation Authority (Plastic Packaging Materials Prohibition) Order, 2018 in that the entities were found with single use plastic bags over the allotted size and also with juice boxes with single use plastic straws made up of wholly or in part of polyethylene or polypropylene in commercial quantities.

R v Feng Trading;

R v Peter’s Fashion;

R v I&C Supermarket;

R v New Creek Wholesale;

R v Qlanhui Supermarket;

R v Rong Popular Wholesale;

R v Valu-City Supermarket;

R v Kumar Jamaica Ltd;

and R v JK Supermarket

[Trelawny Parish Court]

The matters were called up individually and all entities brought before the court pleaded guilty to the offences brought against them.

The convictions are broken down as follows:

1. Feng Trading – Plastic bags $20,000 or 10 days imprisonment at hard labour Plastic straws $5,000 or 10 days imprisonment at hard labour;

2. Peter’s Fashion – Plastic bags $20,000 or 10 days imprisonment at hard labour

3. I & C Supermarket – Plastic straws $15,000 or 10 days imprisonment at hard labour;

4. New Creek Wholesale – Plastic straws $15,000 or 10 days imprisonment at hard labour;

5. Qlanhui Wholesale - Plastic bags $20,000 or 10 days imprisonment at hard labour Plastic straws $5,000 or 10 days imprisonment at hard labour;

6. Rong Popular WholesalePlastic bags $20,000 or 10 days imprisonment at hard labour;

7. Valu City Wholesale - Plastic straws $15,000 or 10 days imprisonment at hard labour;

8. Kumar Jamaica - Plastic bags $20,000 or 10 days imprisonment at hard labour;

9. JK Supermarket – Plastic bags $20,000 or 10 days imprisonment at hard labour Plastic straws - $5,000 or 10 days imprisonment at hard labour.

R v. Anissa Geraldine Lyn

Breach of the Wild Life Protection Act:

Did unlawfully hunt game birds without a hunter’s licence contrary to Regulation 3 of the Wild Life Protection (Hunter’s Licences) Regulations, 1973

[ Manchester Parish Court]

Verdict not guilty

R v Weiwen Zhu

Breaches of Order 3 of the Natural Resources Conservation Authority (Plastic Packaging Materials Prohibition) Order, 2018 in that the various entities were found with single use plastic bags over the allotted size and also with juice boxes with single use plastic straws made up of wholly or in part of polyethylene or polypropylene in commercial quantities.

[Manchester Parish Court]

Fined $8,000 or ten (10) days in prison at hard labour.


R v Everton Taylor

Did fail to comply with an Enforcement Notice contrary to s.24(3) of the Town & Country Planning Act, (1958)

[Kingston & St. Andrew Parish Court, Criminal Division]

The matter is further adjourned sine die

R v Chung Sang Hardware

Did use single use plastics in commercial quantities contrary to the Natural Resources Conservation Authority (Plastic Packaging Materials Prohibition Order 2018.

[Morant Bay Parish Court]

Fined $30,000 or ten (10) days imprisonment at hard labour.

R v Cecil Bird

Breach of section 40 of the Endangered Species (Protection) Conservation and Regulations of Trade) Act 2000

[St. James Parish Court]

Fined $100,000 or twenty (20) days in prison at hard labour

Manchester Plastic Ban Matters

Breaches of Order 3 of the Natural Resources Conservation Authority (Plastic Packaging Materials Prohibition) Order, 2018 in that the various entities were found with single use plastic bags over the allotted size and also with juice boxes with single use plastic straws made up of wholly or in part of polyethylene or polypropylene in commercial quantities

1. R v Wayne Chen t/a Super Plus Supermarket

2. R v Rory Moo Pen t/a MooPenn’s Supermarket

3. R v Grace Chae t/a Fresh Valu Supermarket

[Manchester Parish Court]

The matters were called up individually and all entities brought before the court pleaded guilty to the offences brought against them.

The convictions are broken down as follows:

1. R v Wayne Chen t/a Super Plus Supermarket - $15,000 on each information or 30 days imprisonment at hard labour;

2. R v Rory Moo Pen t/a MooPenn’s Supermarket - $20,000 or 30 days imprisonment at hard labour.

3. R v Grace Chae t/a Fresh Valu Supermarket - $20,000 or 30 days imprisonment; at hard labour

R v UC Rusal Alumina Limited (2019)

Spill in the Rio Cobre River on October 14, 2019, contrary to s.12(1)(a) NRCAA

[St. Catherine Parish Court]

Matter is adjourned for the continuation of trial on Friday May 26, 2023

“Trelawny Plastic Ban Matters” (eight) 8

Breaches of Order 3 of the Natural Resources Conservation Authority (Plastic Packaging Materials Prohibition) Order, 2018 in that the entities were found with single use plastic bags over the allotted size and also with juice boxes with single use plastic straws made up of wholly or in part of polyethylene or polypropylene in commercial quantities.

R v Orion Wholesale & Meats

R v Lee Cheng Supermarket

R v Smile City Supermarket

R v Chloe’s Wholesale

R v Hong Xin Supermarket Ltd.

R v Gonimel International Trade Ltd.

R v Energy Wholesale

R v Best Value Supermarket & Wholesale

[Trelawny Parish Court]

The matters were called up individually and all entities brought before the court pleaded guilty to the offences brought against them.

The convictions are broken down as follows:

1. Orion Wholesale & Meats Plastic bags - $25,000 or 10 days imprisonment at hard labour Plastic straws - $10,000 or 10 days imprisonment at hard labour

2. Lee Cheng Supermarket Plastic straws - $10,000 or 10 days imprisonment at hard labour

3. Smile City Supermarket Plastic straws - $10,000 or 10 days imprisonment at hard labour

4. Chloe’s Wholesale - Plastic straws - $10,000 or 10 days imprisonment at hard labour

5. Hong Xin Supermarket Ltd. - Plastic straws - $10,000 or 10 days imprisonment at hard labour

6. Gonimel International Trade Ltd. - Plastic straws - $10,000 or 10 days imprisonment at hard labour

7. Energy Wholesale – Plastic bags - $25,000 or 10 days imprisonment at hard labour - Plastic straws - $10,000 or 10 days imprisonment at hard labour

8. Best Value Supermarket & Wholesale - Plastic bags - $25,000 or 10 days imprisonment at hard labour - Plastic straws - $10,000 or 10 days imprisonment at hard labour

R v Marsha Robinson and R v Dwight Robinson

Failing to cease operating a stone cutting and carving business at 36 Sydenham Avenue contrary to an Enforcement Notice dated and served September 23, 2021 in breach of section 24(3) of the Town and Country Planning Act.

[St. Catherine Parish Court]

The matter is set for trial on Wednesday, March 1, 2023.

R v UC Rusal Alumina Limited (2019)

Spill in the Rio Cobre River on October 14, 2019, contrary to s.12(1)(a) NRCAA

[St. Catherine Parish Court]

Matter is adjourned for the continuation of trial on Wednesday February 8, 2023,   Thursday, February 16, 2023 and Friday, February 17, 2023

R v UC Rusal Alumina Limited (2021)

Spill in the Rio Cobre River on dates between August 1 to 3 and 7 to 9, 2021 contrary to s. 12 (1)(a) NRCAA.

[St. Catherine Parish Court]

Matter is adjourned and set for mention on February 24, 2023 at 10:00a.m.

R v Chad Headley and R v Sheena Headley

The defendants were charged for dozens of breaches under the Wild Life Protection Act and Endangered Species Act in that they were found in possession of protected animals and endangered animals when a search was conducted of their residence.

[St. James Parish Court]

Sentencing under the Endangered Species Act was postponed to Monday, February 6, 2023.

Name Breach Decision
R v. Winston Moo Pen

Breach of the Wild Life Protection Act:


Did unlawfully kill capture or willfully molest any animal or bird in a Game Sanctuary contrary to s. 4(1)(a) of the Wild Life Protection Act.


[St. Elizabeth  Parish  Court]

Santa  Cruz


Trial Tuesday, January 3, 2023 and Monday, January 9, 2023

R v. UC RUSAL (2021) Alumina Jamaica Limited

Did cause whether directly or indirectly noxious or polluting matter to enter the Rio Cobre, a water body containing fish, contrary to s. 11 of the Wild Life Protection Act.


[On divers days between 01 August and 03 in the year of our Lord Two Thousand and Twenty-one]

[St. Catherine Parish Court]

Spanish Town


Three further trial dates:


 i Monday, November 21, 2022

ii Wednesday, November 23, 2022; and

iii Monday, November 28, 2022

R v. UC RUSAL (2022/#3) Alumina Jamaica Limited

Breach of the Wildlife Protection Act (s.11), Causing noxious or polluting matter to enter the Rio Cobre, a water body and breach of the NRCAA (s.12(1)(a).

St.  Catherine Parish Court]

Spanish Town


First mention date 19 September 2022

R v. Gregory Lee

Breach of the Wild Life Protection Act:


Did unlawfully kill capture or willfully molest any animal or bird in a Game Sanctuary contrary to s. 4(1)(a) of the Wild Life Protection Act.


[St. Elizabeth  Parish  Court]

Santa  Cruz


Trial Tuesday January 3, 2023 and Monday, January 9, 2023

R v. Cecil Bird

Breach of section 40 of the Endangered Species (Protection, Conservation and Regulations of Trade) Act 2000

[St. James Parish Court]

Montego Bay


Trial set for Monday, October 10, 2022.