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Fauna - Reptile

Dive into the fascinating realm of reptiles with our captivating photo collection. Fauna, which includes reptiles, encompasses the diverse array of animal life found in ecosystems around the globe. Reptiles, characterized by their scaly skin, cold-blooded metabolism, and often a need for external heat sources, inhabit a wide range of habitats, from lush rainforests to arid deserts. These ancient creatures play vital roles in their ecosystems as predators, prey, and seed dispersers, contributing to the balance and biodiversity of their environments. Join us as we marvel at the diversity, beauty, and incredible adaptations of reptilian fauna, each species a testament to the wonders of evolution and natural selection.



American Crocodile

Crocodiles can be seen in the Alligator Hole River. In 23 individuals were recorded along a 3.2km transect during a crocodile survey conducted by NEPA as part of an island wide survey.

Many people fear crocodiles unnecessarily since these large reptiles that are shy.  Young crocodiles feed on invertebrates and small fish while adults eat large crabs, fish, turtles, and birds.  The may be seen resting on the bank.  When a crocodile sees you it will disappear as quickly as it can.