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Welcome to Canoe Valley

Fauna - Insects

Delve into the fascinating world of insects with our captivating photo collection. Fauna, which includes insects, encompasses the astonishing diversity of animal life found in ecosystems across the globe. Insects are a diverse group of invertebrates characterized by their six-legged bodies, segmented exoskeletons, and incredible adaptability. From the industrious ants building intricate colonies to the dazzling butterflies adorning our gardens, insects play vital roles in pollination, decomposition, and maintaining ecosystem balance. Join us as we marvel at the intricate beauty and fascinating behaviors of these tiny but mighty creatures that make up a significant portion of Earth's biodiversity.




Mosquitoes are most bothersome on the upriver path.The Black Saltmarsh Mosquito lays its eggs in the shallow pools of the mangrove area. It is the female mosquito that needs blood meal before she lays her eggs.The male feeds only on plant juices and nectar.




This stout broad-headed insect flies very quietly and inflicts painful bites.  Once it has settled to bite it is easy to kill.  Eggs are laid on branches overhanging freshwater.  The larvae hatch and drop into the water where they feed on small aquatic insects.




Small, bright blue damselflies may be seen darting above the sheltered water. They are searching for tiny soft-bodied insects to feed on and calm water to lay their eggs.  They often be seen flying in tandem, mating.  Female deposits they fertilized eggs on submerged plants by dipping her tail in the water.  The larvae live underwater where they prey on other aquatic insects.